Source code for ceilotools

Ceilo tools module

.. toctree::
	:maxdepth: 2

This is the main toolbox designed to aid main processsing by reading and writing to files and processing data.


import numpy as np
import math
import os
from wavelets import *
import datetime
def histogram(x,N):
	for unbin in bins:
		index=np.where(np.logical_and(x >= unbin , x < unbin+dx))[0]
	return bins,np.array(hist)
def frange(start,stop,step):
	for i,t in enumerate(vec):
	return vec
def roundt(minutos,segundos):
	while dif > 0:
	if minutseg >=9 + (count*10):
	return minutos
[docs]def writemlh(outputfile,horas,mlhs,station): r""" Write of mixed-layer file to txt file, using standard heading. For instance: **Parameters** **outputfile**: `string` Output filename. Usually a 'txt'. **horas** : `numpy.narray-float` Time vector as hourly decimals. 0., 0.166, ..., 23.83. **mlhs** : `numpy.narray-float` Mixed-layer heights vector. **station*: `string` Station string :rtype: None *See Also* :ref:`secondary`. """ fout=open(outputfile,'w') fout.write("Ceilometer Vaisala CL31. 10 min averages in "+station+"\n") fout.write("MLH from Gradient method. Espectroscopia y Percepcion Remota, CCA-UNAM\n") fout.write("Version: 201801 " ) fout.write("\n") fout.write("Decimal.hour MLH(m)\n") for i,unamlh in enumerate(mlhs): timeh=horas[i] fout.write("%.3f %i \n" % (timeh,unamlh)) fout.close()
[docs]def writematrix(outputfile, matrix,zeta,hour_vec,station,date,runv): r""" Write of backscattering matrix to txt file, using standard heading. For instance: **Parameters** **outputfile**: `string` Output filename. Usually a 'txt'. **matrix**: `numpy.nadarray` Backscattering matrix mxn where m is the length of time vector, or number of decimal hours in the particular day and n is the length of height vector, usually 500 (10-5000 m every 10 m). **hour_vec** : `numpy.narray-float` Time vector as hourly decimals. 0., 0.166, ..., 23.83. **date** : `string` Date of measurement (typically %Y%m%d) **station*: `string` Station string :rtype: None *See Also* :ref:`writemlh` """ fout=open(outputfile,'w') fout.write("Datos de retrodispersion en "+ station + date+"\n" ) fout.write("Ceilometro Vaisela CL31 \n") fout.write("Version del codigo: 201605\n" ) fout.write("\n") fout.write("Contacto: Espectroscopia y Percepcion Remota, CCA-UNAM\n") fout.write("Corrida de nombre "+str(runv)+'\n' ) zstring="niveles:" for zval in zeta: zstring=zstring+" %i" % (zval) tstring ="horas: " for tval in hour_vec: tstring=tstring+" %.3f" % (tval) fout.write(zstring + "\n") fout.write(tstring +"\n") for i,vec in enumerate(matrix): for j,val in enumerate(vec): fout.write(str(val)+" ") fout.write("\n") fout.close()
#Funcion para calcular promedios horarios para un dia, o para un archivo. #MLHAVERAGE. def onedayavg(filename,horas): data= np.genfromtxt(filename,skip_header=4) time = data[:,0] mlh = data[:,1] indices=[] #Definicion de tiempo minimo, leido del archivo. tmin=math.floor(min(time)) tmax=tmin+1 #Definicion de tiempo maximo en el archivo. maximo=max(time) promedios=[] files= filename.split('/')[-1] promedios.append(files[0:8]) for i,h in enumerate(horas): if tmin>horas[i]: promedios.append('') for i,tt in enumerate(time): if tt>=tmin and tt <tmax: indices.append(mlh[i]) if tt == maximo and len(indices) !=0: avg=sum(indices)/len(indices) promedios.append(avg) else : if len(indices) !=0: avg=sum(indices)/len(indices) else: avg=' ' promedios.append(avg) indices = [] tmin= tmin+1 tmax= tmax+1 indices.append(mlh[i]) return promedios
[docs]def readmlh(filename): r""" Write of backscattering matrix to txt file, using standard heading. For instance: **Parameters** **filename**:`string` Input filename. Usually a 'txt'. :rtype:time-array, mlh-array: time and MLH vector. *See Also* :meth:`writemlh` , :meth:`readmatrixfile` """ profil=np.genfromtxt(filename,skip_header=4) return profil[:,0],profil[:,1]
[docs]def readmatrixfile(filename): r""" Write of backscattering matrix to txt file, using standard heading. For instance: **Parameters** **filename**: `string` Input filename. Usually a 'txt'. :rtype: z,tarr,allprf height and time vector and backscattering matrix. *See Also* :meth:`writemlh` """ m=6 y=8 f = open(filename, 'r') for i in range(m): f.readline() z=np.array(f.readline().split()[1:],dtype=float) tarr=np.array(f.readline().split()[1:],dtype=float) allprf=np.genfromtxt(filename,skip_header=y) # print tarr # print allprf.shape return [z,tarr,allprf]
########################################################################################################### def insertmatrix(filename,t): data= np.genfromtxt(filename,skip_header=4) time = data[:,0] mlh = data[:,1] height=0 for i,tt in enumerate(time): if tt==t: height=mlh[i] break return height ###########################################################################################################
[docs]def runningMeanFast(x, N): r""" Running mean of array x over a window of size N. **Parameters** **x**: `np.array` Numpy array, usually 1D, to average over a moving or running mean. **N**: `numpy.nadarray` Size of moving average window. :rtype: `np.array` averaged with running mean. .. note:: This script makes use of numpy.convolve. """ ravg=np.convolve(x, np.ones((N,))/N,mode='valid')[(N-1):] size=len(ravg) dif=len(x)-len(ravg) apendix=np.zeros(dif) counter=0 for i,j in enumerate(apendix): if i == 0: apendix[i]=x[i] elif i == 1: apendix[i]=np.sum(x[i-counter:i+1])/2.0 else: apendix[i]=np.sum(x[i-counter:i+1])/float(i+1) counter+=1 #apendix[i]=np.sum(x[i-2:i+1])/3.0 ravg=np.insert(ravg,0,apendix) #print len(ravg),len(x) #print ravg return ravg
[docs]def writenumofprof(outputfile,numofprof,t, estacion,date): r""" Write number of backscattering profiles used for every 10-min averaged window. **Parameters** **outputfile**: `string` Output filename. Usually a 'txt'. **numofprof**: `int` Number of profiles used for average **t** : `numpy.narray-float` Time vector as hourly decimals. 0., 0.166, ..., 23.83. **date** : `string` Date of measurement (typically %Y%m%d) **estacion*: `string` Station string :rtype: None *See Also* :meth:`writematrix` """ fout=open(outputfile,'w') fout.write("Datos de perfiles promediados "+ estacion + date[1:-6]+"\n" ) fout.write("Ceilometro Vaisala CL31 \n") fout.write("Version del codigo: 2016 05 \n" ) fout.write("\n") fout.write("Contacto: Espectroscopia y Percepcion Remota, CCA-UNAM\n") tstring ="horas: " for tval in t: tstring=tstring+" %.3f" % (tval) fout.write(tstring +"\n") for i,prof in enumerate(numofprof): timeh=t[i] fout.write("%.3f %i \n" % (timeh,prof)) fout.close()
########################################################################################################### def writeavgmatrix(outputfile,tvec,estacion,matrix,runv,averages): fout=open(outputfile,'w') fout.write('Matriz de datos diarios a promediar' +'\n') fout.write('Ceilometro Vaisala CL31 '+estacion+'\n') fout.write('Corrida correspondiente a '+str(runv)+'\n') tstring='Tiempo (horas):' avg='' for h,t in enumerate(tvec): tstring=tstring+" %.3f" % (t) avg=avg+str(averages[h])+' ' fout.write(tstring + "\n") flistsize=matrix.shape tvec=flistsize[0] fvec=flistsize[1] for i in range(fvec): for j in range(tvec): point=matrix[j,i] fout.write(str(point)+' ') fout.write('\n') fout.write(avg+'\n') fout.close() ########################################################################################################### #Usados en Avgmlh REDONDEANDO. def insrtmatrxrnd(filename,t,trthval): data= np.genfromtxt(filename,skip_header=4) time = data[:,0] mlh = data[:,1] height=0 for i,tt in enumerate(time): if tt > 23.3: base=2.0/6.0 else: base=1.0/6.0 if myround(tt,base)==t: if trthval is not False and int(mlh[i])<=60: height=0 else: height=mlh[i] break return height ########################################################################################################### def addtovecrnd(filename,tvec): data= np.genfromtxt(filename,skip_header=4) time = data[:,0] mlh = data[:,1] for i,tt in enumerate(time): if tt > 23.3: base=2.0/6.0 else: base=1.0/6.0 if myround(tt,base) not in tvec: tvec.append(myround(tt,base)) return tvec ########################################################################################################### def myround(x, base): return base * round(float(x) / base) def ipmthd(vec,lowlm,z): ipm=np.diff(vec) newmlh=np.argmin(ipm) mlh=z[newmlh+lowlm] return mlh
[docs]def algmlh(allprf,method,mlh,i,z,tarr,t,uplim): r""" Algorithms used for Mixed-layer Height determination.This script computes the mlh through an iterative approach and calls the relevant method. A combined approach, named C2, due to the fact that it was the second version of a Combined algorithm uses both the gradient method and the wavelet method to find the boundary layer top. This was the algorithm used in :cite:`jlgf2018`. **Parameters** **allprf**: `np.nadarray` backscattering matrix **method**: `string` String calling a MLH determination method, either of the following strings are accepted: 'WT', 'Gradient', 'IPM', 'C2'. **tarr** : `np.array` Time-array, usually decimal hours. **mlh** : `numpy.nadarray` Mixed-layer height array, usually len(mlh)=144. **i** : `int` Integer of current time-step. Ranging from 0-143. **z** : `np.array` Height-array usually length 500, start=10, end=5000, t_step=10 [m] **t** : `numpy.narray-float` Time float of this specific computation. **uplim** : `string` Upper-limit of maximum MLH possible. :rtype: mlh: float .. note:: **See Also functions to estimate and write mlh** :meth:`writemlh` :meth:`ipf` :meth:`wavelets` """ jk=i lowlim=20 uplim=uplim # if t <8. and t >4.: # uplim=90 # elif t<=4. or (t>=21. and t<=24.): # uplim=120 # elif (t>=8. and t<12.) or (t>18. and t<21.): # uplim=140 # elif (t>=12. and t<= 14.): # uplim=150 # else: # uplim=200 if len(z) > 255: # uplm=2*uplim #print uplim, lowlim,i lowlm=lowlim a1=2 a2=10 fi=a2 nn=1 try: vec=allprf[lowlim+1:uplim+1,jk]-allprf[lowlim:uplim,jk] except IndexError: return elif len(z) <=250: lowlm=int(lowlim/2.) vec=allprf[lowlm+1:uplim+1,jk]-allprf[lowlm:uplim,jk] a1=1 a2=20 fi=5 nn=2 if method == 'Gradient' or method == 'Composite 1' or method =='C2': imin=np.argmin(vec) mlh[jk]=z[imin+(lowlm)] #if method=='C2': # print t,mlh[jk] elif method == 'Ipm': mlh[jk]=ipmthd(vec,lowlm,z) elif method == 'WT': a=120/a1 bot,mlh[jk],top=haarcovtransfm(allprf,z,jk,'Auto',fi,t,uplim*10*nn,lowlim*10) if method == 'Composite 1': if mlh[jk]<=120 or (jk>1 and mlh[jk] - mlh[jk-1] > 1000) : ipm=ipmthd(vec,lowlm,z) if ipm<=120 or (jk>1 and ipm - mlh[jk-1] > 700): #print '!!!! Valor anomalo en la hora', tarr[jk] #print 'Gradiente =', mlh[jk] #print 'Ipm = ', ipm a=120/a1 b=range(100,4000,a2) newmlh=haarcovtransfm(allprf,z,jk,a,b,fi) bottom=120 low=100 while newmlh<= bottom: low=low+fi bottom=low b=range(low,4000,a2) newmlh=haarcovtransfm(allprf,z,jk,a,b,fi) if bottom >= 1000: break if mlh[jk] >= 120: mlh[jk]=np.sum(ipm+newmlh+mlh[jk])/3. elif ipm - mlh[jk-1] < 1300: mlh[jk]=np.sum(ipm+newmlh)/2. else: mlh[jk]=newmlh #print 'WT iterative =', newmlh elif mlh[jk]>120: mlh[jk]=(ipm+mlh[jk])/2. #print 'Anterior, Final ',mlh[jk-1], mlh[jk] elif method == 'C2': #print mlh[jk] if mlh[jk]<=(lowlim*10+50) or (jk>1 and mlh[jk] - mlh[jk-1] > 200): a=120/a1 bot,newmlh,top=haarcovtransfm(allprf,z,jk,'Auto',fi,t,uplim*10*nn,lowlim*10) # print t, mlh[jk],newmlh if newmlh -mlh[jk-1] > 200: upper=uplim*10*nn while upper - newmlh < 500. and upper > 2500.: upper=upper-100 bot,newmlh,top=haarcovtransfm(allprf,z,jk,'Auto',fi,t,upper,lowlim*10) #print newmlh if mlh[jk]>(lowlim*10+50) or newmlh<=(lowlim*10+50): mlh[jk]=(newmlh+mlh[jk])/2. else: mlh[jk]=newmlh # print 'MLH FINAL :::',mlh[jk] #print 'Anterior, Final ',mlh[jk-1], mlh[jk] #print 'FINAL', mlh[jk] return mlh[jk]
[docs]def cloudfilter(allprf,tarr,z,datestring): r""" Cloud filter This function computes the cloud filter equations described in [Teschke (2008),Garcia-Franco (2017), Garcia-Franco (2018)] **Parameters** **allprf**: `np.nadarray` backscattering matrix **tarr** : `np.array` Time-array, usually decimal hours. **z** : `np.array` Height-array usually length 500, start=10, end=5000, t_step=10 [m] **datestring** : `string` String for date, typically %Y%m%d, e.g., 20160305 :rtype: datetimearray, flag vector: temps returns all datetimes where cloud or precipitation has been found, flag vector is a numpy array with the dimensions of tarr where clouds are depicted as 1 and clear-sky conditions as 0. **Statistical filter** .. math:: \beta_\sigma (z,t)=B(z,t)\sigma(t) .. math:: \mu=\frac{1}{N_zN_t}\sum_z\sum_t\beta_\sigma(z,t) .. math:: \sum=\frac{1}{N_zN_t-1}\sum_z\sum_t[\beta_\sigma(z,t)-\mu]^2. .. math:: B_N=\mu+3\sqrt{\sum} * :math:`B(z,t)` Backscattering matrix * :math:`\sigma(t)` Variance over time $t$. * :math:`\mu` Global mean of \beta_\sigma(z,t) * :math:`\sum` Global variance of \beta_\sigma(z,t) * :math:`z_{max}` Maximum integration level [m] * :math:`B_N` Threshold for determining cloud or no cloud, function of both global mean and variance. `B_N` defines the threshold value used for determining whether or not a profile at time `t` presents cloud and precipiation or not. If B(z,t)>B_N then cloud and precipitation are present. Else, clear-sky conditions are considered. """ thrs=1750.0 day=datestring dia=int(day[6:8]) year=int(day[0:4]) mes=int(day[4:6]) zi=np.where(z==200.) zi=zi[0] zmax=np.where(z==4000.) zmax=zmax[0] #print zi,zmax a=allprf[zi:zmax,:] nbs=[] tmps=[] sigma_t=np.sigma(tarr) count=len(tarr)*len(z[zi:zmax]) sumi=0 for i,t in enumerate(tarr): for j,z1 in enumerate(z[zi:zmax]): try: sumi=sumi+a[j+zi,i] except IndexError: # print fl continue mu=sumi/count deviat=0 for i,t in enumerate(tarr): for j,z1 in enumerate(z[zi:zmax]): try: deviat=deviat+((a[j+zi,i]-mu)**2) except IndexError: continue sigma=deviat/(count-1) ec=mu+(3*np.sqrt(sigma)) # print 'media','sigma','3','s' # print mu,sigma,three,two #if ec > 1400: # print fl, ec for i,t in enumerate(tarr): cloud=False for j,z1 in enumerate(z[zi:zmax]): try: if a[j+zi,i]>ec or a[j+zi,i]>thrs: horas=int(math.floor(t)) minutos=int(round((t-horas)*60,-1)) tim=datetime.datetime(year,mes,dia,horas,minutos) tmps.append(tim) #nbs.append(1) cloud=True break except IndexError: continue if cloud: nbs.append(1) else: nbs.append(0) # print tmps # print nbs return tmps,nbs
########################################################################################## ###LECTURA ESTANDAR DE PERFILES DE RETRODISPERSION def readprofile(fl,tim): fle=open(fl,'r') for i in range(6): fle.readline() filename=fl.split('/')[1] #Check if filename is in UT-5 months. allprf=np.genfromtxt(fl,skip_header=8) z=np.array(fle.readline().split()[1:],dtype=float) tarr=np.array(fle.readline().split()[1:],dtype=float) fle.close() tarr=np.round(tarr,3) i,=np.where(tarr==tim) if len(i) == 0: return try: perfil=allprf[:,int(i[0])] except IndexError: return #print perfil #print perfil #print len(perfil) if len(allprf) == 250: for i in range(1,501,2): #print i perfil=np.insert(perfil,i,int(0)) #print perfil try: return perfil except: pass